The AA Debate In a Nutshell

Colorado state senator Ed Jones (who, for what it’s worth, is black) has introduced a bill to end racial preferences in public hiring, contracting, and admissions to state universities. The following exchange occurred at a town meeting on Saturday:

“Basically, all the bill does is prohibits discrimination of anyone because of race, color or creed, ” Jones told the audience.

…. “I think it will begin to destroy the fiber of this state,” said Colorado Springs resident Thomas Bennett, Jr.

I wonder if Bennett thinks that a bill to prohibit discrimination for or against anyone because of sex, gender, or sexual persuasion would destroy the state.

Say What? (1)

  1. Symbolic Order Blog February 23, 2004 at 6:05 pm | | Reply

    Sometimes I like Colorado…

    Discriminations: The AA Debate In a Nutshell Archives First we get one of the most promising voucher roll-outs in the country and now we have the following: Colorado State Senator Ed Jones is sponsor of a bill designed to end…

Say What?