Bill To Eliminate Preferences In Colorado

State Sen. Ed Jones, a Republican and one of the two blacks in the Colorado senate, says that he will introduce a bill banning race preferences in public hiring and contracting and college admissions.

“My goal is to stop what is very demeaning to people of color to wear a tag around us for so many years that the only way we can make it is to have preferential treatment,” said Jones, a Republican lawmaker from Colorado Springs who grew up in the segregated South of the 1940s and 1950s.


Jones, a Mississippi native, said his upbringing in the South made him shun preferential treatment.

“I lived under hatred and racism and it taught me the only way you were going to make it was to do it on your own. Even though we were segregated we didn’t want white people to give us anything,” Jones said. “We wanted to have the signs that said, ‘Whites Only’ taken down from the drinking fountains and the restaurants and the buses. They’ve done that. Now it’s time to move on.”

Rep. Terrance Carroll, a black Denver Democrat, wants the state to continue awarding preferences based on race. He said Jones’ proposal

assumes this state is being overrun by people of color having contracts and being hired for state jobs that they are not qualified for. You would think CU, CSU and UNC have been historically black colleges the way he talks.

The way Carroll talks, you would think that there’s nothing wrong with racial discrimination unless its effects are massive.

Say What? (3)

  1. Claire February 10, 2004 at 2:07 pm | | Reply

    Once again, we see the Republican who wants to eliminate racial preferences being called a ‘racist’ and the Democrat who wants to keep racial preferences getting absolutely no flack for his racist position.

    Alice, it’s sure getting crowded down this rabbit hole…

  2. StuartT February 10, 2004 at 10:44 pm | | Reply

    “you would think that there’s nothing wrong with racial discrimination unless its effects are massive.”

    Actually, this preposterous formulation has been offered in support of racial preferences innumerable times during debates right here in the squalor of the comments section. I won’t impugn the sterling reputations of worthy opponents by calling them by name, but the defense usually runs something like this:

    1) Blacks are noble victims (one and all), whites are guilty oppressors–down to their cooing babies. Thus any discrimination against whites is well-deserved.

    2) If you question the above, you are (strike up the band) RACIST.

    3) And besides, the effects of racial discrimination against whites aren’t that bad anyway–certainly nothing to compare to slavery.

    No, and competing freely on your own merits isn’t that bad either–certainly nothing to compare to the Franco-Prussian War.

  3. cell phone batteries April 9, 2005 at 2:24 am | | Reply

    really cool weblog – loved it

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