How To Appeal To Democrats? Stress “Racial Unity”!

In “Winning Back Democrats’ Flagging Loyalty Is Key for Davis,” the Los Angeles Times reported today that “shoring up his faltering Democratic base has been [Calif. Gov. Gray] Davis’ key endeavor.” And how is he doing this?

Besides linking his difficulties to the Florida presidential election debacle of 2000, he also hammered on the issues — environment, education, racial unity — that have galvanized his party’s base, particularly blacks, Latinos and union members.

So, the Democrats depend on galvanizing “racial unity,” but it is the Republicans, with their nefarious commitment to colorblindness, who are divisive? Go figure.

Say What? (1)

  1. DF August 21, 2003 at 8:24 am | | Reply

    I don’t know what “racial unity” is, but it sounds like the opposite of racial diversity. I’m confused.

Say What?