MIGOP: What Glop!

At the bottom of a post last week discussing Ward Connerly new effort to bring civil rights to Michigan through an amendment to the state constitution I appended a copy of a letter I had just sent to the director and staff of the Republican Party of Michigan( MIGOP). The state party chairman had been widely quoted in the press opposing Connerly’s effort on the grounds that it would be “divisive” and “counterproductive.”

If you read that earlier post with its appended letter, you may be interested in the following reply I have just received from Greg McNeilly (email hidden; JavaScript is required), MIGOP’s executive director:

—– Original Message —–

From: Greg McNeilly

To: John S. Rosenberg ; email hidden; JavaScript is required ; email hidden; JavaScript is required ; email hidden; JavaScript is required ; email hidden; JavaScript is required ; email hidden; JavaScript is required ; email hidden; JavaScript is required ; email hidden; JavaScript is required ; email hidden; JavaScript is required ; email hidden; JavaScript is required ; email hidden; JavaScript is required ; email hidden; JavaScript is required

Sent: Tuesday, July 15, 2003 3:44 PM

Subject: RE: Counterproductive?

Dear John:

Thank you for contacting the Michigan Republican Party regarding our stance on a proposed affirmative action ballot initiative in Michigan. I appreciate your thoughts.

The Supreme Court wisely affirmed and validated the importance of college admissions based on merit when it struck down the University of Michigan’s race based point system. This was an important step toward color blindness and insuring that we do not divide people by racial categories.

I fear that this proposed ballot initiative would only serve to further divide people along racial lines which would be entirely counter-productive.

What we need now, and what would be best for our state is to commit ourselves to reducing racial tensions and focus on policy objectives that unite us as Americans.

It’s a free country, and we don’t pretend to be able to tell anyone whether they can run a ballot initiative or not, but such an initiative would result in more division than unity.

There is a better way. Every child, from the first day of school, deserves a quality education. When there is no child left behind, then we will truly realize the American dream.

The Michigan Republican Party represents the hopes and dreams of all people.

Finally, let me add that while the Michigan Republican Party is not supporting this particular petition initiative, we respect the right of Mr. Connerly and others to pursue it if they choose. The MIGOP will not use any of our resources to oppose it and will not actively work to keep it from making the ballot.

Again, thank you for contacting me and sharing your thoughts. I’m sure you would agree that it’s wonderful to live in a country where we are free to have open, honest discussions like this to ultimately find a strong and fair solution to issues like this. While we may disagree on this particular approach to this specific issue, I’m sure there is far more that unites us than divides us.


Greg McNeilly

Executive Director

What depressing glop. How sad that MIGOP doesn’t realize that the Republican Party was born by being “divisive,” opposing the spread of slavery. The abolitionists were indeed “divisive.” Those who have agitated for civil rights have always been labeled “divisive” — from William Lloyd Garrison to Martin Luther King and, yes, now to Ward Connerly. Sadder still that this unprincipled pot of pablum is obviously being cooked up in the White House.

Say What? (5)

  1. Boomshock July 16, 2003 at 2:21 am | | Reply

    Alas, party activists have found a way to use a democratic vehicle to evade accountability. Don’t they realize that their very constituents support such initiatives? Sooner or later, I hope that the people of Michigan respond to party inaction either by electing other, more principled candidates or by pushing major agendas through referendum rather than legislation, depriving politicians of a popular issue to campaign on.

    Perhaps this email just goes to show how truly courageous Ward Connerly and others like him are. Not only must they mobilize voters and take heat from local and national opponents, but they must also overcome the indifference of so-called party supporters.

  2. Dean's World July 16, 2003 at 4:32 am | | Reply

    A Political Oddity

    A political curiosity is that most Americans (particularly most African Americans) believe that Republicans generally oppose Affirmative Action. What’s so strange about that is that…

  3. stu July 16, 2003 at 1:00 pm | | Reply

    Mr. McNeilly’s letter makes clear why Michigan has contributed so mightly to the recent success of the Republican Party. Starting with George Romney right on through Spencer Abraham, it is a state party noteable for its bedrock integrity, profound insights and courageous refusal to pander. We should expect nothing less from a state party whose most accomplished alum is Gerald Ford.

  4. The Spoons Experience July 16, 2003 at 9:54 pm | | Reply


    John Rosenberg over at Discriminations recently e-mailed officials of Michigan’s Republican Party taking them to task for their opposition to…

  5. The Spoons Experience July 16, 2003 at 9:55 pm | | Reply


    John Rosenberg over at Discriminations recently e-mailed officials of Michigan’s Republican Party taking them to task for their opposition to…

Say What?