“Come As You Are,” Unless …

… you’re white, or black.

Reader Linda Seebach of the Rocky Mountain News sends word of a student organization, SHOC (Stop Hate on Campus), funded with student fees, holding racially segregated meetings at the University of Colorado. “Come as you are,” indeed. This reminds me of the days when band-aids were advertised as “flesh colored.”

Now racially separate student propaganda meetings are clearly not as bad as the segregation that existed before the civil rights movement, which used to oppose distinctions based on race, awakened the conscience of the nation by appealing to its core principles. (The principles still exist, and are still core, but the current “civil rights movement” no longer appeals to them because it no longer finds them appealing.) But not being “as bad” is not the same thing as good, or even allowable.

Query: if we’re going to continue being afflicted with certain privileges being parceled out based on race, would it not be a good idea, or even necessary, for everyone to have a racial identity card? Perhaps birth certificates, drivers licenses, Social Security Cards, visas, etc., could be color-coded.

Say What?