Jessie In Philadelphia Inquirer!

Today in its “Community Voices” section, under the heading, “Affirmative Re-Action,” the Philadelphia Inquirer published some student comments on affirmative action and diversity.

If you scroll down through (or read) the pieces by the Villanovians (it was the “Main Line” edition; hence the absence of student voices from Penn, Temple, etc.), you will find Jessie’s at the bottom, last but not least.

An editor had seen “Unpopular Opinions,” an anti-PC Bryn Mawr campus paper she started with a friend last year, and asked her to write something. That was several months ago, and we thought her submission had been spiked.

It wasn’t, and I hope I may be allowed to say that it is very good indeed.

Say What? (3)

  1. April 1, 2003 at 10:02 am | | Reply

    But we’re so diverse!

    Jessie Rosenberg of the excellent Discriminations blog has weighed in on affirmative action as practiced at American universities — not

  2. Kimberly April 1, 2003 at 10:21 pm | | Reply

    Wow, that WAS a great letter! I have to admit, though, I think as a whole the letters were balanced. I live in Philly, near Penn, and all I see is the Ivy League PC inanity. The City Paper and the Independent Weekly are amusing but I hate their politics.

    I’d love to check out her campus paper – is it online?

  3. Jessie Rosenberg April 1, 2003 at 10:47 pm | | Reply

    Unfortunately, we’re not online yet. Given the overwhelmingly liberal atmosphere of this college, Unpopular Opinions requires, at the moment at least, a lot of work from a few people. So, we’re working on getting it online, but I don’t know when it’ll be ready. I could send you one of the issues, if you’d like. They’re Microsoft Publisher files.

Say What?