LA Times Headlines On War At War With Each Other And With Text

The lead article on the Los Angeles Times online “cover page” today announces boldly:

Majority Wants U.N. Backing for War on Iraq”

The headline on the article itself, however, says something quite different (link requires registration):

Many Desire U.N. Backing for War on Iraq

And the relevant portion of the article itself? You decide if either headline is appropriately descriptive:

Sixty-two percent of those surveyed said they would back a war effort endorsed by the U.N. Security Council. That support dropped to 55% when respondents were asked whether they would support a military action with some allied backing, but without U.N. concurrence.

Say What? (1)

  1. Xrlq February 10, 2003 at 5:00 pm | | Reply

    I noticed that too. I almost blogged about it, but then decided I’ve been beating up on the Daily Monopoly L.A. Times enough as it is.

    Then again, it is possible to weasel one’s way out of both of these headlines. One could argue, for example, that 5% of the population is enough people to count as “many.” As to the other 55%, it’s not that we don’t want the UN’s backing, it’s just that if we don’t get it, we are prepared to go to war anyway.

Say What?