A Diverse Thanksgiving

Nice letter that appeared in the Portland Oregonian today:

Seated around my Thanksgiving Day dinner table were a gentleman who fled Nazi Germany in the ’40s; his wife, from Beijing, who fled Mao’s dictatorship; my adopted son, of Mexican parentage; his wife, of Cuban descent; my wife, of Welsh descent, and I, whose grandparents were born in Italy and Hungary.

I don’t think Americans need university professors and sensitivity trainers to lecture us about honoring diversity. America honors diversity in its very existence, and, among the nations of the world is the very standard by which it is measured.

LOUIS SARGENT Northwest Portland

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  1. Charles Rostkowski December 7, 2002 at 10:38 am | | Reply

    I had a similar Thanksgiving experience. My son who is adopted is Korean and married to a Native American (half Hopi, half Navajo) so my granddaughter and grandson are half Korean half Native American but their name is Rostkowski. All that was achieved without anyone taking a course in Diveristy or Multiculturalism. Hard to imagine anything like this happening in France, but its happens all over the US.

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