Civil Rights Commission Criticizes Percentage Plans, Urges “Holistic Admissions Standards”

Obviously in response to the discussion we’ve been having here, the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights released a critical report yesterday on top X% admissions plans, “Beyond Percentage Plans: The Challenge of Equal Opportunity in Higher Education.”

According to the Chronicle of Higher Education(whose article requires subscription), the report says that these plans “are not adequate to improve the representation of minority students at public colleges.”

[T]he class-rank policies put in place in California, Florida, and Texas over the past several years generally have failed to improve the proportion of underrepresented minority students admitted to public colleges, especially at the states’ most-selective campuses and in graduate and professional schools.

“As affirmative action comes increasingly under fire, and if percentage plans grow in popularity, it is inevitable that the numbers, and subsequently proportions, of minority students pursuing higher education will decrease,” the report says.

This is nothing new. Over two years ago the Commission, then completely under the control of Democratic ideologue Mary Frances Berry, blasted these programs as pale, ineffective substitutes for affirmative action and attacked Fla. Gov. Jeb Bush specifically for accepting the fact that “”existing segregation will never change and that longstanding efforts to remedy the race discrimination that was legal in Florida have been abandoned,” and did so, according to dissenters on the Commission, without having contacted Florida officials or holding open hearings. (Article here requires subscription.)

Yesterday’s report is less harsh, stating that it does not mean “to suggest that existing percentage plans are entirely without merit, but they are simply not enough.”

UPDATE– Texas officials refute CRC staff report.

Say What? (2)

  1. Jane November 21, 2002 at 7:59 am | | Reply

    Well, if the Commisson says they’re inadequate, and the anti-AA faction says they’re biased against those with more merit (read “white folks”), then the X percent programs must be doing a pretty good job.

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