Al Gore: Life Is Not A Piece of Cake

When Lloyd Grove, the Washington Post gossip columnist, asked Al Gore over lunch how he felt about coming so close to being president, Gore replied, with no apparent irony and, as is his new custom, letting the chips fall where they may: “It wasn’t a piece of cake. I decided I was going to accept the rule of law….”

Thanks, Al. That was big of you.

Say What? (1)

  1. CGHill November 24, 2002 at 11:42 am | | Reply

    It was a fairly dumb remark by Gore, but then it was a fairly dumb question by Grove: “How do you feel about it?” is a staple of TV news crews at crash scenes, and there, as here, the only response that resonates with truth is to hurl the question back at the asker: “What the hell do you think I feel about it?”

Say What?