Moussaoui’s Deeply Hidden Genius –

Moussaoui’s Deeply Hidden Genius – The Washington Post Style section is defending Moussaoui as a misunderstood genius.

… they [the motions] show an angry man focused on what he feels is American hypocrisy and determined to hold this country to its stated principles of freedom and justice. Even as observers speculate about Moussaoui’s mental stability, his writings suggest that he was developing a legal strategy, if not to save himself then to call to account those who he feels are abusing him.

Hypocrisy? Abuse? Where? Since Moussaoui believes we are being hypocritical and abusive, though, the Post can state his beliefs as truth, without presenting any evidence.

… they’re also playful at times, especially when tweaking or goading Judge Leonie Brinkema or his court-appointed standby lawyers.

So, according to the Post, tweaking and playful is saying Brinkema has a “legal pathological killer instinct with ego [boosting] dementia to become supreme,” and calling his court-appointed lawyers “death lawyers.”

Here’s the concluding paragraph:

Strictly speaking, he wasn’t one of the 19 hijackers. He was arrested in Minnesota on immigration charges almost a month before the Sept. 11 attacks. Between intending to do something — whether it’s murder or marriage — and actually doing it, lies an existential gulf. Sitting in prison for almost a year, Moussaoui, still a young man of 34, is aware of at least two roads not taken: that of marriage and family and life, and that of martyrdom. It’s not clear to what degree he regrets the former and feels guilty about the latter. The difference between Moussaoui and the terrorists of Sept. 11 is that he has, for now, time to ponder these questions. [emphasis added]

By twisting a statement of complete lack of knowledge, the emphasized sentence manages to portray Moussaoui in a favorable light.

Is this compilation of loaded language, reprinted beliefs, and unsupported interpretation supposed to be news?

Say What?